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learn the cure

A collection of our highest yield content to give you the strategies you need to avoid and combat misinformation, the skills you need to navigate the world of healthcare, and the motivation you need to be a fierce advocate for yourself and your loved ones.

bullshit detector

The Medical Bullshit detector will help you see the world with the eyes of an experienced skeptic and spot unbelievable hype, unreliable experts and unproven products before you fall victim to them.

go to the list!


learn to...

See like a Skeptic

Listen like a Detective

Speak like a Doctor

Think like a Scientist

Act like an Advocate

go to skills page


Our minds are easily misguided by various kinds of intellectual bias and psychological tricks. Learning about how bias and logical fallacies work is the number one way to negate their power over you. Mindfulness and building your personal self-esteem are also great ways to empower your decision making.

go to attitudes page

working knowledge

body knowledge

systemic impact

know your rights

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